Sacred Buddhist dance " Sutra of coração" for I had Dhyani notices clearly the use of the corporal movements while energização form, mainly in the use of the hands that however if they direct for it are or the body, being that they can be open or closed creating a reversivo flow of energy. In the BUDDHISM we find the Ydams that is meditacionais entities that make what in the Umbanda if it would call as incorporation, but also have in the Buddhism the enemy asuras of the halfones or Must.
Vajrabhairava or Yamantaka, head of buffalo, is one of the three main meditacionais deities of the Gelug school
In the XINTOISMO (Japan) the Kami or entities exists caretakers.
Amaterasu O-mikami (a Kami of the Xintoismo/Japan) - In its house, the fidiciary offices have a small domestic altar generally (kamidana), where they place some amulets: one of the local sanctuary, another one of the great national sanctuary of Ise, and plus some, as the devotions and preferences. All the mornings, are made offerings: booty (aguardente of rice), rice, salt. A night light is lit and becomes conjuncts to kami. Kami of xintoísmo, to be with being able that one human being common does not have as: ancestral espíritos of the nature, protectors, deities related to practical the religious one of the Xintoísmo.
When we speak in Xintoismo we must cite some philosophical concepts that base the Chinese medicine these are: Ba-gua, relation yin-yang, theory of the 5 elements and meridians of energy. Leaving of this point we can understand as such function the movements executed for chinenes as: Tai-chi-chuan, taoyoga (daoYin), QiGong or even though the Kung Fu Shaolin. It happens with the Buddhism somewhat sufficiently interesting therefore as well as receives influence from the philosophies and hinduistas deities of the xintoistas having itself thus in account its half-deuses enemy and existence the asuras, also a series of mitológicas creatures as the dragon (Ryûjin), the Kappas who are entities with an unusually similar genius to the beings of the film " gremilins" , the Tengus a compound of birds with men. Even though it can be found killers of demons as the Shoki personage. We also have the terrifying protective personage of the demons known by Palden Lhamo. It is as soon as we can sufficiently clearly make a parallel with the Exus of the Umbanda, entities that remove all the negatividade and make the protection work, a peculiarity with sufficient felt is that as much in the Umbanda as in the Buddhism of xintoistas influences and hinduistas these entities are of terrifying appearance, with so impressive caveiras and descriptions as its proper appearances.
Palden Lhamo - One says that, during the reign of Songtsen Gampo (605 or 617? - 649), Palden Lhamo convoked all the other protective deities with the promise to protect the king of the Trulang sanctuary. It presented an iron cup and promised that " If to raise an image of me, this real sanctuary will be protected of any future damages for human beings and demons! " It also said to have advised Lhalung Pelgyi Dorje to kill the king Langdarma anti-Buddhist in 841 EC, and is described as " Dharma-protector of Lhasa".
Tengús human cristuras half half birds, also is considered as Kamis, therefore in mythology they are descending of kami Susano, are arteiros and joking of what properly maldosos, in this Yoshisune engraving a hero kills a Tengú: would be they something as the personality of a Saci? She would have something of Exu or Exu-mirin? I believe that not, but yes related more to the idea of gremilins, still she has in Chinese mythology the Kappas that also are not completely bad but that they suck energy for the anus and the Onis that would be equivalent in the culture occidental person for Ogros or Demônios.
The Chinese concepts can be searched in:
Tai-Chi-Chuan forms 13 for the master Chen Shi-Yu
TaoYoga (Dao Yin) Movement 12, always is proclaimed by the masters the importance of the training of the breath jointly with the physical movements.
Dance of the DervichesTemos diverse Djinns that can help or confuse according to its proper wills or its respective personalities and singularidades the respective types of djinn is: Shaitan, Ghul, Marid, Ifrit and jinn. The Ghuls is treacherous, the Ifrits is devilish espíritos however some djinns inspired the poets and adivinhos, the Djinn had to be able " almost; mágicos" e could uses it against or in favor of the men. However also they are submitted to the judgment of God. The xamanismo exerts influence on the Islão clergyman not-officer. The residents of Bukhara believe that some " ishans" (Clergymen) They have the capacity to cure some sick people, because they have a protective spirit. In the Turkmenia some people clamam for the descendants of Muhammed prophet, them possess a complete host of Genius (Jinn) helping. Attended for the Genius they augur to cure the possessed person.
We cannot leave to cite that a sufficiently interesting source of the Islamismo is the Derviches that executes revolving dances with rhythmic changes (also Considers the existing rhythmic changes in Indian musics and the Row of the Umbanda as a factor that works the Yin or in agreement Yang the rhythm or: energy extroversão or meditating introspection), as if it was not enough the turns still is very clearly that something exists as impostação of hands, one for high for captation the other for low for emission. This pursuing of the Islã also known occurs that as sufismo or sufis by of its dances is not accepted for the ortodoxia exactly for searching a contact more direct with God the main sufis representatives is Hallaj and Al-Ghazali. The Islã considers Jesus as plus one amongst the many prophets and not specifically as the Messias as Jewish and Catholics and Protestants. The main sufis masters are: Nasreddin, Emir Abd El-Kader, Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi, Bulle Shah, Shah Abdul Latif.

LOKI - (also known as Loke or Loptr) he is a god or a giant of mythology Scandinavian. God of the fire, also is on to the magic and can assume many forms. It does not belong to the Aesir, even so alive with them. He can be considered as a symbol of the badness, treacherous, of little confidence; he is enters the figures most complex of mythology Scandinavian. It possesss a great sense of strategy and uses its abilities for its interests, involving he intrigues and complex lies. Being a compound of god and giant, its relation with the others deuses is conturbada. However, it is respected by Odin, the two keeps relations fraternas. It also Thor aid in some situations to recoup its Mjölnir hammer, stolen for the giants. As well as many other politeistas religions, this mythology does not present the characteristic dualism enters the good and the evil of the tradition of the Middle East.
UMBANDA ( Brazilian Religion )
In Umbanda everything is clarified in a very real way therefore brings to tona the interference spiritual-material of demystified way has thus diverse Orixás that they are energizing, black entities as old, exus caboclo, dove-turn, children and Bahians, however in this context we cannot forgetting in them the possible interference of quiumbas: or espiritos deixarred a carne involved with negative feelings. The Umbanda divides concepts with the espiritismo Kardecista the Candomblé and the Pajelança. In turn it is interesting to notice as Kardek in its workmanships can have been influenced for the philosophies of India. The founder of the Umbanda was Zélio Fernandino de Morais.
In movement terms I notice that the Umbanda " has similarities with the festividade; Mbeng Ntame" of Gabon (Bwiti Tribe) where she has diverse sequências of turns as body. It has of if considering that in Gabon the Bwiti society pocesss the tradition of the enteógen plant Iboga, it are the use of the plant many relative aspects to the dance and iniciátics the ritualistic process and ceremony if they are also similar to the Umbanda or Candoblé, what it was of if waiting since are traditions come from Africa.

Caboclo - entity of the Umbanda that comes prevailed for the energy of some of the 7 orixas (in the feminine or masculine field)
Still we can cite here that the JEWS have great wisdom, and most interesting is that they do not hide this wisdom, perhaps therefore has even been very pursued, because in general the great religions with control ends politician and financier have looked for to place the one population inside " cave of Platão" looking for to lose its main natural mitológicas beliefs, and its specific ways to cultuar them, being thus the Jews atravéz of the Místicas Cabala spread out the idea of that the angels possess duais personalities being able to intervene in this way in different ways on the human being. The fact is that the catolicismo brought the divided vision completely enters well and badly, and not a more interesting vision talvel between organization, disorganization and renaissance as daily pay-Christians had made the mitológicos concepts. the main masters of the cabala are the following rabbis: Shimon bar Yochai, Yosef Chaim, Dribble Sali - Rabbi Yisrael Abuhatzeira, Chafetz Chaim, Omanut Yehudit, Abir Yaacov Abuhatzera, Hazon Ish and Lubavitch rabbi.

Concept sa mística cabala of angels who act in the two fields: negative and positive
they do not leave of side the possible intervention of an entity that calls as Espirito Santo, sufficiently noticed with physical interference in one of the sources of the Quackers, the Shakers, in which Ann Lee one of the founders said to be taken begins for it feminine of the deity, they are called Shakers mainly for the way as they chaqualham the body during the dances. The fact is that the beliefs that start to develop more refined techniques of auto-conciência and expanção of the mind such as Sufismo, Umbanda, Candomblé, beliefs daily pay-islãmicas, hinduismo and buddhism quickly are trimmed by a new religion invented for the marxist necessities of the egocentrado human being, this new religion calls politics or power on the freedom search for the true knowledge: the knowledge on the true nature and depth of the reality, the empirical perception taken to its limits of the directions. More good to control a population and to keep a autocentrado government it is necessary not to allow certain beliefs or magical procedures, thus the empirical experience human being constantly is suplimida and delapidada for the politicized religions, this makes with that the human being is each more mentally ill time of the questions spirituals and has each time little force for its auto-discovery, facilitating its mechanist obedience to the system tax, in this way everything that if raises ahead of the system (in the east this politicalization of the religion can be noticed in the Taoismo) passes to be considered strange, unacceptable or until inintendível. However these: Why inintendível? Exactly why the structure reigning philosophical dialectic and does not allow this agreement. As to understand that somebody chaqualha the body possessed or influenced by a external force if I do not know which I am the magnetic function that the body exerts exactly on itself and soon I do not give any importance to the corporal movement while a way of expression of the reality spiritual. We also see that also it starts to be this a conceptualization problem, of the opposite would not have any necessity of religious dances in any religions that were, to be static would be enough for a good energização (subject this that we will have to also argue). Returning a little the subject: the religious politics of great religions do not have as priority the deep education of the human being in real the religious aspect, but yes a unidirectional education that says: that is good, already that (that he is external to our religion) not only is badly as he is devilish, thus arriving at the limits to make with that the indians have fear of its proper culture substituting ayuasca for drip, that being a depressive drink and expander of the conscience does not facilitate to the control of the proper capacity of reflection and self-knowledge.

Shakers: feminine aspect of the deity
Analizando the Australian culture we will find a intrumento of serious sound and I continue: Didgeridoo, already was argued the interference of this type of noise in the conscience human being, what we will argue to follow is the aspect of the movement: in general the indians tend in if interconnecting with the elements of the nature, that is sufficiently interesting since they as in the religions that already we also argue expand the conscience, the characteristics that I noticed and I judged interesting to say are: ' The dance of the indian is not soft as in the eastern traditions but yes strong, therefore it beats diverse times with the foot in the soil, its drum brings force and rhythm, generally its dances are in group (characteristic social of union of the group) are circular and take in consideration the 4 directions north, south, east and west as well as the kings make the Chinese in shi-tenno guardiões, each one responsible one for a direction. Obviously to analizar the aboriginal culture is something sufficiently difficult for if to deal with a series of interminable communities, not obstante occurs that impressively the ceremonials or rituals finish very for being similar between itself. Would have they some day in remote agreed past to dance in circles? Perhaps the most exaltados they had said: we have that to create one conscenso that when to dance we beat the foot in the soil! Or with more common-sense and discernment we can believe that the human being possesss in itself the capacity to develop energy sensitivity, and that xamãs or senciveis people had perceived how they intervened with its magnetic bodies when they propagated smoke of the caximbos, they beat the foot in the soil and danced. The xamanismo is spread out in many parts of the world, since Siberia (Ritual Chukchi) the Tibet (ethnic Group Tamangs practical Bon) or Malaysia (ethnic Group Chewong); Cazaquistão (With practical xamãs that they had been adhered by the Islão). In Mexico it has the Toltecas, where Carlos Castañeda was disciple of " Nagual" Juan Matus of the tribe " Chacmools" learning the movements called " Tensegrity" (Beyond the use of sacred plants as Peyote and Estramônio) described to following.

TURNS AND SOUNDS - We now go to remember of the elements that are necessary so that the physical movement is considered as a tool for the activation and maintenance of the flows of energy of the body: Breath, Concentration, Seriousness, Attention, Conjunct, Hearing and Giddiness). Of these it lacked to us to approach on hearing and giddiness, occurs exactly that in the process of the movement other factors are acting in set many, that make with that the proper movement has its peculiarity of being a expansivo energy movement and not mere physicist. In question audiçào is certain that the religious ones constantly are submitted to musics and these are directly intervening with its standards of cecebrais waves, can to say that it still has a bigger production of serotonina in the brain when we are submitted to musics, and when we practise activities of physical character, serotonina it is a neurotransmitter therefore it finishes for causing to the neorônios biggest possibilities of interconnection between itself, is thus justified how the sensitive místico, médium or acquire a bigger capacity of sense-perception or perception of the environment surround that it therefore has two great producers of serotonina: music and movement. With regard to the serotonina Colin Wilson, considered suscessor of Aldous Huxley, they have analogous idea believing that it is a substance that works for the imagination and for the memory and that it has the function to suppress the perception of the universe that surrounds in them, however, in an unexpected way it opposes itself when he says that the same substance also would be .causing of the ecstasy.

It is viable to cite that great part of the ceremonials is executed at night, being that it has in this schedule for the blackout biggest production of melatonina, responsible hormone for the calm and tranquilidade. However these, are said that we are more inclined to feeling the energies when we are calmer, that is: when we diminuimos our standards of cerebral waves, in this in case that we can consider the melatonina as a precursor of sensitivity, and cortizol and adrenalin as two great enemies since they speed up the standard to invéz to diminish.

As for the TURNS that can provoke GIDDINESS we see similarities between dances Derviches of the sufistas, Candomblé and Umbanda great. Curiously it enters the Tibetans of the high Himalaia we find some movements sufficiently interesting, one practical one that he is part of the Tibetana Medicine that he possesss influences of the Hatha-Yoga of India. These movements are denomunados as Lu-Jong, pertaining to the Vajrayana tradition, in which as in the Yoga great attention is given to the respiratory exercises. (That it cannot be confused with Lo-Jong (mind-transformation) that it is an exclusively mental exercise. In Tibet also it has the Tsa Lung, that according to Tulku Lobsang Mud:

Tulku Lobsang Mud (Master of the Lu-Jong movements
" The Tsa Lung works at the same time with the body and the breath. It is one technique that combines movements with the retention of the breath. Because we are to hold back the breath, the movements can penetrate deeper in the body and open a bigger number of the small subtis canals and chacras. It is only possible to open this small chacras holding back air. Movement does not only arrive. Something subtil as the breath must be used to reach these places more subtis" It must be considered that exactly before Budismo and Yoga arriving at Tibet already Bon with anmistas beliefs had a chamana religion and practical xamânicas. Still it has monasteries Bon in the Tibet found in mountains of the Himalaia, with influences currently of the old Buddhism with the practical one of " Kum Nye" (Practical of Buddhist movements) pertaining to " Tantras Médicos". Probably the origin of known como" has been this; 5 Tibetanos" rituals; a sequecia specifies of movements. This practical xamânica belongs to " Tamangs" , an ethnic group of the Nepal. In the Tamang religion it has Lamas and shamans (bombo).
The Genesis of the Five Tibetan Rites:
Part 1 - The Bon Tradition of Tibet
probably related with the movements assigned for Ba-Kua created by " Ch' Ing Yuen" (1678) all have as characteristic unifying the turns.
System of movements Ba-Kua Ching Yuen, we go to repair clearly in the dynamics of the turns. Where the system vestibular' (located calcium carbonate crystals in the ear) constantly it is stimulated, however the balance sensation as well as does not depend only on the system initial of the receivers located in muscles and tendões and of the proper vision. it is as soon as we modify the natural context of a series of physiological structures when we turn. One knows that the caffeine also has the capacity to provoke labirintite and that monges if uses of extremely rich Black Tea in caffeine for its meditations, is natural to empirically think that for the provoked sensation giddiness about the light rejection of the body since we are as perceiving that the conscience or " eu" it is not more in the body. However not yet I know which the factor most important in this case: if they are the turns in itself or the sensation of giddiness properly said… We cannot forgetting in them that a factor alone will funcioará effectively will have conciliated with all the other factors, is certain to say that to turn it will not only be enough to expand the conscience, but yes to turn making respiratory exercises, praying, concentrating, hearing music and being submitted to low the luminosity. It is known that meditations exist deeper than they do not have the necessity of a physical movement, but in this in case that it has a strong work of energização atravéz of the breath, thus the energy flows of the high one for low. I believe despite the physical movement is great an assistant in the energy works, and can also be worked in pairs as we notice in the Espiritas passes, in the descarregos same Umbandistas or in movements in pairs in the Tai-chi-chuan. We must consider that in the states of expanção of the conscience the citizen is extremely receptive to the everything what the fence is these things that are in the plain astral or the physical plan, this is the reason for which some elements had been exactly assigned as: fire, water, drinks, incense, crystals, plants, mandalas, colors and foods… therefore all are elements that will go to interact with the magnetic field of médium, everything have its place and an adequate preparation. He is obvious that it is not recommendable to open its field spiritual being in a crowded subway, or in way of a soccer departure, therefore you would be interchanging energies with these types of confused environments and full… for that is natural thinking that one médium must if prevent and always be always prepared, to prevent confused environments is always the alternative most advisable not being able to prevent can load a black tourmaline piece to unload and another one of sulphur to recharge the magnetic centers. It is interesting to notice that all we are in the day the day expanding our magnetic capacities, and we notice ourselves pparently in the arts that great sensitive if go deep its respective discipline, ina not religious field develops a capacity of magnetic expanção is of the common one. Analizar the standard of movements of an artist is a way to prceber where standard of magnetic deepening it is, I will cite for this a inigualável pianista: Glenn Gould:
In the case of Glenn Gould interpreting Gouldberg variations in one 25 we notice that the referring characteristics to the mental expansion are all gifts, little illumination, concentration, attention, hearing and also movement and breath, is important to notice that the pianista at just the moment where it will develop definitive subject to the piano, moments before executes an inspiration act, I do not say inspiration only in the creativity direction as properly a respiratory act that allows it to catch the specific energy of the musical subject, minutely analizando the movements that Glenn Gould executes with the hands and still with the trunk we notice that the same that it makes the mind is what makes the body, it has a synchronism is as soon as does not have difference between putting into motion and to think, is everything two ways of expression it spirit. A thought is the way most easy of the reason to obtain to translate a feeling and the movement is a not rational way to express feeling the same, however the movement does not have the necessity to translate therefore it is a half one more direct than the proper thought of ascessar the spirit, the corporal movement and face expression of a person can disclose something that nor she herself ascessa when it tries to rationalize its essence. For this the dance and until music more right-handers with the Deuses are contacts that the proper word.
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Reading: I ask for excuses for the translation that will be able to contain errors since I made for Babel Fish, an automatic system, of the original in Portuguese, however it wanted to offer for English… It does not leave of leave its commentaries, suggestions and opinions for the improvement of the site, either here or in orkut. Thanks!
Pompeo M. B.