domingo, 12 de julho de 2009

6 - Isolation, reclusion and introspection for the self-knowledge

What it is isolation? Comumente we live in environment where we stamos physically integrated eats society in its more varied aspects, in which in each situation specific in we integrate them of way distinct impersonateing thus standard of attitudes, mannering and Inter-relationary specific, what it makes with that let us can adopt diverse mythical standards in each situation where we live and we interrelate in them with the other, are these few or many people. Constantly we change psychic energies with people, in the most varied types of exchanges that can be benfazejos or malfeasant depending on the type of situation, circumstance of the gift, despite let us have that to consider that embedded in the past it is an ample gamma of other situations that the feelings and behaviors of prensente happen directly in, this occurs in such way that in the great majority them times the person do not have the minimum conscience of the loads that loads in its conscientious deep one, that they are absolutely the main reasons of its behavior, ideas and feelings of the gift. This because the law of God, or the law of the nature in the context of the existencial plurality (reincarnation) is the law of the esquecimento. On the scientific tests of the reincarnation, to see in:



The film to follow (10 parts) intitled " My life in the other vida" it portraies a real history with the thematic reincarnation, it is sufficiently interesting to notice as the souvenirs come to tona with precision of visual and cognitivas information. Everything what it is assimilated starts to represent the true mission: the way of the spirit, this is the function of the access to deep environments of the mind: to contribute so that the person finds its axle atitudinal, however to find the true axle atitudinal can represent, or almost always it represents deep transformations in ideas, attitudes and searchs of new social interactions, changing the standard and the context of those interactions that already exist. For this notices that the auto-meeting is an exercise that represents in its essence a true challenge for the meeting of the goal missionary of the spirit in the world. After all: Why we are here? Who already became this question?

My life in other life
Not obstante I ask myself together with the readers: Until point that is a law? Perhaps let us call " law of esquecimento" for our current incapacity of ascesar deep environments of the unconscious one, probably the natural one is to ascessar, being thus the esquecimento a fruit of the destreinamento is not natural senão spiritual of an individual in such a way from fear as for comodismo it relates to keep a life with mechanical characteristics that supposedly demand less of the interior work or auto-transformation. The law of the esquecimento starts to be not a law but yes a comodismo, an escape of the questions spirituals for a mechanist life. The incosciência of the processes spirituals, located in a deeper field of the mind where to have access itself it must have a strong work of internalization, exactly brings to the person a great unfamiliarity of itself, what it makes with that constantly it is only in the edge of the process of the life and never dives to know the reality, or same trying to be " esperta" she only knows some lapses of the deepenings and intentionally she looks for to run away from its interior reality thus bringing upheavals of dizersos as determined padões of obsessive ideas of negativista character, therefore he is obvious to think that she has questions of other lives to decide itself, however these questions are located in the deepenings of the conscientious one, if the person does not look to the internalization it does not look the resolution of its proper cármicos quandaries since these are questions deeper than simply to work, to study, to tan and to pay accounts. We can say that we are here for interacting, and atravez of the interaction to decide cármicas questions and to carry through unions and beneficial alliances for diverse ends. However the interaction, which had to the distanciamento of the being I obtain exactly (and supposedly with the interior God) starts to be something extremely difficult, because of negativistas obsessive padões. The isolation is beyond everything a useful strategy in the direction of a preparation for the posterior social interaction, that is: in this direction the isolation is not an objective in itself, but a step that the main objective precedes that is of social, interatico and cármico character in the physical plan. Thus being it is not tried to deplete carma in the plain spiritual, I definitively believe that is impossible the exhaustion it carma if of atravéz of attitudes in the physical plan, in direct way. To say of isolation or reclusion is sufficiently interesting, therefore as what already it are said it makes sufficient sensible to conduir that if the isolation is a way for the self-knowledge, and subsequentemente the self-knowledge is the revelation of aspects of the interior truth that previously were not visible, and that this previous truth is something completely interconectivo (social and cármico Character) we can conclude that the proper isolation is also social. E however starts to be more social of what a mechanist social connection destituidas of values and truths spirituals. Being thus the isolation if of only in the physical plan, while the spirit if approaches to revelations that constitute complex nets of cármicas and not cármicas social interactions, thus finding the focus of its track in the Universe which belongs, being disclosed its day interior that is at the same time its exterior mission therefore in short: it does not exist distinction in interior and exterior since the physical plan can be understood as an energy concretion of the mental truths, is absolutely instigante to notice that in the end the only thing that exists of truth is the ideas and that everything more is half tools and so that the experience if soon materialize (As described at the beginning of the film " Who we are nós" ) Many religions nail and spread out the idea of the reclusion while auto-meeting making diverse retiros spirituals, also has the difference in making one removes or to live in I remove.

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Reading: I ask for excuses for the translation that will be able to contain errors since I made for Babel Fish, an automatic system, of the original in Portuguese, however it wanted to offer for English… It does not leave of leave its commentaries, suggestions and opinions for the improvement of the site, either here or in orkut. Thanks!
Pompeo M. B.