Molecule of water submitted to the conjuncts - Research of Masaru Emoto
What it is a water molecule? Certainly a chemical substance, H2o as if knows: two hydrogen atoms for one of oxygen, to toa the millenarian culture does not insert the water in one of its 5 elements (fire, land, metal, water and wood) also explaining which is the connections between these elements. According to Feng-Shui seeing is an energy conductor and the storing water. Bones also are structures essential as for transcendência since crian the pulsation of an electromagnetic field when physically they are estressados (piezoelectric effect), bones are a solid crystal structure and can convert sound and light into electric or electromagnetic elergia. Mineralized fabrics: cartilage, dentine and you indent more weaveeed not mineralized: queratina, arterial, connective elastina, fabric and crystals amino acids (glicina, prolina and hidroxiprolina) have piezoelectric properties. The bred piezoelectricity can produce a field electromagnetic sulficiente to affect the vital systems. Weak electromagnetic fields of 2x10-10 amperes can influence all the types of cells. We cannot forgetting in them that in the Pineal gland, through the studies it Dr. Sergio Philip de Oliveira (to see video), was uncovered to exist crystals of " apatita" a rock, and according to its studies the function of these crystals is to sequestrar the magnetic field spiritual producing itself perceptions that are beyond the plan of the substance. (To also look for researchers as Dr. Glen Rein; Dr. Andrew Bassett; Norm Miksell; " Resonance in bioenergetics" of McClare; " The diet of the arc-íris" Dr. Gabriel Cousens; " An atlases of to cellular oscillators" of P.R. Rapp or " Liquid crystals and ordered fluids" of J.F. Johnson and R.S. Porter)
Doctor Sergio Selipe de Oliveira, Pineal Gland, Apatite Crystals
The fact, expensive readers, is that studying the bones and some structures of the organism we notice that for possuirem electromagnetic generating crystalline structures they are De Campos, happens that an electromagnetic field enxerga physical limitations therefore is not something who flows, as well as the electricity can flow atravz of a copper wire the electromagnetic fields can flow atravéz of the organism, as if this was not enough in case to hold something in the hand we will be able to catch the electromagnetic field of this object, and to classify which they are the different electromagnetic types De Campos we appeal to chemistry, therefore the great key of the mystery in this case is not something supernatural or occult, he is physicist, or the microscopical analysis of the material world, that in them brings the essence of each element contained in the object. For this, according to my balances and empirical experience, it does not have the minimum distinction between substance and spirit, the energies simply flow atravéz of the substance, esteé exactly the beginning of feng-shui in which the man interacts energies with the environment, thus we can say that we are in part what he surrounds in them is in this way that médium if uses of apparatus as rocks, inscenso, water or fire therefore is in constant electromagnetic interaction with these elements. In " Exodus 39:8 - 14" in the Bíbla we can find that one commanded that 12 rocks in Pectoral of Sumo the priest of Israel were placed, used in the services of tabernáculo and of the temple of Salomão; Thus it is said: " The pectoral one was embroidered artistic in the same way that efod: of gold, and crimson violet, red púrpura, and of twisted fine hemp. It was double square and, with a handspan of length for one of width. It was decorated with four careers of precious rocks. In the first career, a ruby, a chrysolite and an emerald; in second, a turquoise, a sapphire and one ônix; in third, an opal, an agate and an amethyst; in fourth, a chrysolite, a beryl and a jasper. The rocks were twelve, corresponding ones to the names of the children of Israel, each one recorded one, as they record sinetes, with one of the names of twelve tribos." A representative character of the rocks is noticed, however it is important to notice that more important that the representative one is chemistry queproduz determined electromagnetic standards. We have then: Ruby: Al2 O3 - I oxidate of aluminum Chrysolite: (Mg, Faith) 2 SiO4 - Silicate of Iron and Magnesium Emerald: Be3 Al2 (SiO3) 6 - Silicate of Beryllium and Aluminum Turquoise: CuAl6 [(OH) 2/PO4] 44H2O - Fosfato de Alumínio, potassium, Copper Sapphire: Al3O3 - I oxidate of Aluminum Ônix: SiO2 - Silicon Dioxide Opal: I oxidate of hidratado solício - SiO2nH2OÁgata: SiO2 - Silica Amethyst: SiO2 - Silica Beryl: Be3Al2 (SiO3) 6 - Ciclossilicato de Berilio and Aluminio Jasper: SiO2 - I oxidate of Silicon Let us lead in consideration that so that it hava this I stimulate or magnetic exchange is not enough to come close itself to the object as well as to make a strong work of concentration, relaxation, internalization and breath, therefore absorbing the air in an intent way is obtained to absorb the electromagnetic elements, for this conduímos that to use the pectoral one by itself is not factor sulficiente to interiorizar its elements, must have then a series of factors that if relate to the works of mental behavior and others of breath, the more " treinada" the person is more easiness it has in if magnetizing. We have then the chemical composition of the supreme priest of Israel. We cannot forgetting in them in the same way that we make electromagnetic exchanges with the environment we make also it with molecules of the foods that we ingest, is certain that each molecule has its energy standard, in the Chinese fitoterapia influences we find it magnetic of the elements contained in the plants, and the bioenergética repercução in the organism.
The walking stick (a cajado species of) of a bishop catholic, its pectoral cross and the rocks of the altar brings 7 rocks (Diamond, Sapphire, Emerald, Jasper, Topaz, Ruby and Amethyst) the pastoral walking stick, as already remembered for the miter, it is emblem of the pontifical dignity. The pastoral walking stick, originally, if composed for a wooden connecting rod or in iron, settled in a cross; in century XI the baton comes armed of a snail (ring-shaped folded), occasion where if they had started to use precious metals, of silver and gold, decorating it with rocks precious and enamels. It has three types of used batons in the Church catholic: The Walking stick, the Férula and the Hierofante (the high demonstrator of the sacralidade). It also has the Papal Tiara and the Miter.
Podemos notar em diversas religiões e culturas que os mesmos objetos de uso pessoal para a permuta de qualidades eletromagnéticas das mais diversas substancias químicas são utilizados, assim como percebe-se claramente nas coroas dos reis e supostamente em muitas gravuras hinduistas.
Krishna and Arjuna in described the Mahabarata battle in the sacred book Bhavad-guitá, supposedly would be of extreme lack of common-sense to believe that these apparatuses (Tiara, Cajado…) had a mere decorative function or were destined properly to protect the head, being that Krishna is considered 8a incarnation of Vishnu, an immortal God who composes the Trimurti (creation, the conservation and the destruction): In the Egyptian culture an object meets, a called symbol Ankh that represented the human body and was incrusted of diverse rocks.
Many studies on cure for the rocks had been made by medieval Bishops as Marbodius (1037 - 1125) and Great Alberto Saint (1193 - 1280). Also valley the penalty to cite Charles Webster Leadbeater (1847 - 1934) priest of the Church Anglicana and Bispo of the Church Liberal Catholic, Maçom and member of the Teosófica Society, that wrote book " Oculta" chemistry; , what it led later to the reconhecimentos as " Extra Perception of Quarks." ; " It livens up: Remote Viewing of Subatomic Particles." ; " Quarks and Superstrings" ; " Introduction you the Occult Chemistry, The Amazing Phenomenon of ExtraSensory Perception of Nuclear Structure and Subatomic Particles."
Charles Webster Leadbeater
Observação Direta de Átomos por Clarividência - J. Michael McBride
Download livro Química Oculta - Besant e Leadbeater
The rocks, in way accomplish have each one its specific magnetic standard (Salvador Freixedo, Spanish priest who belonged years to the company of Jesus, studious of the parapsicologia confirm the precendentes affirmations saying: " The great inventors of the psiônica believe that each atom, molecule, cell, agency or organism emit a type of individual rdiação with a wave of espeificas longitude and frequency. The vibration of the molecule does not eliminate the vibration specifies of the atoms thus compose that it and suscesivamente until arriving at the great bodies, is these human beings or planetas." ) , and for this each one has a function specifies, however it is essential to notice that this does not mean that it always keeps that standard, therefore in the truth even though the rocks is citizens to the interventions of different types of energy, the energies if they divide basically in two types: " Positivas": love, peace, calm, agreement, pleasure, force, joy, knowledge, force of will, benevolence, compreenção and perfection and " Negativas": hatred, desconcordâcia, illness, obscurescimento, unfamiliarity, limitation, badness, anger, anger and disequilibrium. Being thus we can say that a rock being natural is a Divine creation, being of Divine nature and observing that in God it does not have discrepancy senão fluency and union, the rocks in its natural environments never will absorb any negative energy, when only used for the conscience human being who being free can create and keep opposition elements that are the elements " negativos". Being thus as the human being the rocks electromagnetically speaking they can be " sujas" or " limpas" , therefore the fact is that not only molóculas chemical of foods, rocks or plants considered things possess electromagnetism as well as abstract as feelings and thoughts, is as soon as feelings intervenes the substance, therefore they are types of electromagnetism can happen in the biological structure, positively or negative, second case that is called psychosomatic illnesses. For this we cannot forgetting in them that after to use a rock we must clean it and reenergiza it, placing it initially in the salt with water and passing inscenso in it and later leaving it in the sun. To clean: Black tourmaline, Incense of Mirra, Olíbano and Sal, Tobacco, Selenita, Hipérico, Arruda To energize: Garlic, Sulphur, Granada They repair that it has diverse types of elements: Eatable rocks, Smoke (Incense and Tobacco), Plants (Hipérico, Garlic) and Plants to energize (Arruda) One of the problems of our society is that the man if distanciou of its true origin, this made with that some electromagnetic natural processes left to occur, as I unload for example it, to be descalso in way to the nature already are attitude sulficiente to clean the aura, the city if became a hostile environment electromagnetically where not if progeta one feng shui, this leaves environment one in such a way opresso psychically, to return to the origins will be in the future the way of the espiritualizado man. In environment terms we find in the nature surrounding of fort or subtler electromagnetism, has points of electromagnetic sustentation in the land, as well as " Naica".
The electromagnetic field of determined object is the meaning of the material constitution of that object, the human being has a wise instinct, and the natural perception of the truth of God, for this in natural way all arrive in one conscenso when considering the blue one as a color calmante than the red, and the yellow more vivacious than the green. The nature is one only, and perceives it in a similar way because our physiological answers are accurately the same ones when we are submitted to the same stimulatons, in the dark one we produce melatonina, the luminosity stimulates the serotonina, the glue nut is a stimulant, maracujá or passiflora is a calmante, as well as mulungú and valeriana. " Stretcher peruana" it is a stimulant and regulating hormonal for containing I look-estrogênio. It is enough inside for pra that the organism reacts, we are in the truth a complex and extremely incredible set of interactions and chemical exchanges, and who said the electromagnetism is the substance, that is: chemistry. It is as soon as we can be calmer or more intent changing our electromagnetic standards atravéz of the chemistry of foods. In this question it does not have many new features, I have the impression of that the old world more openly transmitted with more clarity and the sacred knowledge that the mental control of uneducated made for the media in general, Antonio Abujamra said: “Tevê still is virgin. I direct theater has 55 years and I have 44 years of television. In this time, I made good television only during some seconds”. Complementing Aujanra, Erhard Freitag, a therapist of auto-juda German, reomenda in one of its books that do not read periodicals. On the other hand we must understand how chemistry intervenes with the electromagnetic waves, it is certain that each type of molecule leads the waves it amplifies and them in a way that is peculiar to its structure, for this to eat garlic is different that to eat sugar, they are magnetisms that act in different ways in the organism. In food terms we can find wonderful prescriptions with electromagnetic fields that make tremendous cleannesses in our aura. How act however the enteógenas substances? They take the same brain being in lucidity to the state of Alpha waves. Study of Jan M. Keppel Hesselink according to intitled " Effects of the Psychedelic, Tropical Tea, Ayahuasca, on the Electroencephalographic (EEG) Activity of the Human Brain" During the Shamanistic Ritual" it are evidenced great increase of waves Alpha (8-13Hz) and Theta (4-8Hz). Alpha activities had been found in the occipital wolf while Theta in both the occipitais wolves and areas frontals. Thus increasing the conscience of its respective subconscious processes, what it is comparable to the meditating deep states, these in turn studied by Antoine doLaboratório Lutz W.M. Keck de Cerebral Estudos, of the Waisman Center of the University of Wisconsin, in contribution with Schechen Monastery, of Katmandu (Nepal), Antoine noticed that the people who practise meditation auto-induce neural changes, also noticing gamma-sincronicidade of high amplitude effect from which if they originate cognitivas and mannering changes. These constatações demonstrate that the alterations produced in the brain atravéz of plantase enteógenas are similar to the states of deep meditation, this were the object of study of many scholars, after Albert Hofmann to have invented the LSD (acid LSD) Timothy Leary wrote an intitled book " The psicodélica experience - a manual based on the Tibetan Book of the Mortos" . Terence McKenna studied the ontológicas bases of the xamanismo and etnofarmacologia of the transformation spiritual, suggesting that the Kykeon drink of the Mysteries of Eulesis in Greece AntigaGrécia was a made up of some enteógena plant. To see links:
Effects of a Psychedelic, Tropical Tea, Ayahuasca, on the Electroencephalographic (EEG) Activity of the Human Brain During a Shamanistic Ritual
The fact is that primordial questions of the human being that go beyond its daily necessities to survive mechanically, one of the ultimate issues exist if relates to its plot, its particular history, its description… that makes consequentemente it to think and to reflect deeply in which is its importance in the world despite they have 6,5 billion inhabitants exists something that says in them that our mission is essential in the way of this sea of people, the referring questions to the death are another source of the stranger and of the great one it searchs for the knowledge of " eu" , in this search we look for above all knowing in them with the learnings of the Inter-social relations day to day and not in another way, of luck that to search to the God without searching the interaction social does not make direction, for this to only turn itself to the God believing that this God is an abstract entity fruit of divagações dialectics is the same that to create an illusion, therefore God is the creation, God is the next one, that one that is in its circulates of convivências. In one of its sutras Know-Cho-Noi-and, a religion that joins Buddhism, Xintoismo and Cristianismo, of the founder Massaharu Taniguchi whom in 1931 " wrote; divine revelation of great harmonia" that I will transcribe to following:
" It reconciles you with all the things of the sky and the land. When to accomplish the reconciliation with all the things of the sky and the land, everything will be your friend. When all the Universe if to become your friend, thing some of the Universe will be able to cause you damage. If you are wounded by something, or if you are reached by microbes or for low espíritos, it is test of that you are not reconciled with all the things of the sky and the land. It reflects and it reconciles you. This is the reason because I taught to you, long ago, that it was to reconcile necessary you with your brothers before bringing offering to the altar. Amongst your brothers, most important they are your parents. Exactly that you are thankful the God, if you do not obtain, however, to thank your parents, you are not in compliance with the will of God. To reconcile with all the things of the Universe means to thank all the things of the Universe. A true reconciliation is not gotten nor by the tolerance nor by the mutual condescension. To be tolerant or to be condescending does not mean to be in hamonia of the deep one of the heart. The true reconciliation will be consolidated when it will have reciprocal to be thankful. Exactly that it thanks the God, that one that does not thank all the things of the sky and of the land it does not consolidate the reconciliation with all the things of the sky and the land. Not having the reconciliation with all the things of the Universe, exactly that God to assist wants you, the mental vibrations of discord do not allow you to catch the waves of the salvation of God."
It is interesting to notice as the character of this conjunct is essentially social, and this characteristic is not so only restricted to be social with the people as well as with all the Universe… if it relates to our description of personal life, to our mission, the work who we must undertake, the fact is that despite is beings with potentialities to expand the mind to the levels of more including conscience and perception (what it does not define necessarily if the character of the perception is benevolent or negative, therefore what it defines benevolence are moral factors such as character, sense of justice, consideration, respect, affection, and love and not expanção of the perception, is therefore fact proven that can be expanded and negativado, or expanded positivado but catching ambient pressures, not located in the time-space, refusals), however we are located in a physical plan, and if thus it is, it is of sufficiently common-sense to think that the substance must have some important function, and that exactly for this it is important to live in the plan of the substance, and which is this importance? The substance restricts our perception, and that is a positive thing when we speak to work " rescues cármicos" , therefore with extended perception it is definitively impossible to work carma, since the energy of carma is of course negative. Thus being when it is said in living in the land, with the foot in the soil deciding more the simple questions day to day that to search go misticismo believing that if it is raising the soul to some superior platform it is a great one I make a mistake, therefore the biggest rise is to coexist the fellow creature and in this to work the mutual learning, in this way what it is simple starts to be sacred. In another way I do not disrespect total I dare of enteógenos, not obstante is necessary to know that everything has its context, we must before everything making an intense work to perceive which is the context where we are inserted, and perceiving this to feel which it is the mission that we must undertake… in this everything are enclosed the ambient and partner-cultural causes of the reality in which we are born. As much the enteógenas plants how much the work with rocks of electromagnetic effect is factors that develop beyond everything more complex a critical and interpretativo sense, ample and real and for this it must have a preparation that ray to the side of a devotion not of years but of an entire life, is as soon as some Indians to the end of the life decides to isolate itself with the auto-meeting intention, the isolation certainly is essential for the release of internal energy processes, but the resolution of the cármicos and Mythical conflicts is so essential how much the isolation, this that also it is essential for derviches of the Islão and xamâs. A certain price, that it is exactly to feel the other as it really is, and not under the masks of the language and of the thought is even perceived that for the development of some psychic facultieses paid, therefore the fact is that feeling it is beyond thinking. To conciliate a deep experience of the soul of expansividade with a common life is impossible, beyond everything the enteógenos brings to tona a series of truths that can be stronger of what what the person is prepared to aguentar, I say I for proper experience when done having a magnetization with an extremely revealing rock of the unconscious processes: Black Obsidiana, certainly the revelation processes spiritual cannot be seen as a recreation or adventure therefore can be cost a price higher than that one that if can pay, however already argues on this: everything has its context, has to be intent what this happening, as much in the dreams how much in the life flesh time to know for where our way must go. The unconscious one is a vast field, is more advisable than let us explore little by little, atravéz of the available natural resources: music, arts, reflection, sport, social convivência, isolation, conjunct, meditation, espiritualidade and much calm, much calm to perceive that all the processes if resumen to the one gradual transformation of proper " eu". We go to think thus: if I came to the meat to decide pendencies of the past the body I am my greater ally.
Enteogens Links:
Fred Alan Wolf is a scholar of the quantum physics and of the phenomenon of consciênciaque it joined to its ideas the xamânicos concepts of reality learned by a master ayahuasqueiro." For min it was clearly that the world cannot be explained rationally, a certainty that my academic escolarização never had allowed. In a way or another one, the spirit of interested me more than to the observer what what he was being observado". " As we observe determines the reality of what we observe. We move as, we move what we observe. Xamãs uses ' effect observador': they change the reality while they change the way as they observe that reality! " (Magazine Planet ed. 252 set. 93)

Albert Hofmann
When we speak in modifying the chemistry of the organism with ends spirituals we must consider that each plant influences in the organism in a specific way, the Rastafari movement, more spread out for the musician Bob Maley, that with the aid of Grandstone Robinson established the Rastafari Church in Notting Hill, Robinson with the aid of World-wide the Etíope Federacy established " Orthodox church Etíope" in London for Rastafarianos (Local 33, in Denbigh Road). The Rastafari movement believes that a Dos Reis of the Etiópia Haile Selassie was great messias, and for it makes its conjuncts, Jah is the name of God and its roots are located in the traditions of the Order Boboshanti and Nyahbingui (bingui). The Nyahbingui rhythm in fact has a confluence that it remembers the Reggae, slower, however the same dynamics, assumes that being with the consiência modified for the effect of the marihuana the strokes of the tambores, a constant, monotonous and trimmed rhythm it contributes so that the conciência has left the common time and enters in one " ambiente" where the intensity and the introspection are what reje the perception and not properly the perception of the time. In " African book of orações" of Desmond Tutu it has a stretch that it says: " In some occasions words they are frequent entirely inadequate. History starts with a man of the field that seats in the church being in long periods of silence. When it to it is asked to about this practical says with regard to its God: I eye for It and It look at for min" Nyahbinghi is freedom, a celebration proposal and communication, originated in Africa as a movement politician-spiritual in 1800 against the imperialism and colonialismo of the whites, Muhumusa was the leader of the movement of rebellion in Uganda. Nyahbinghi celebrates Sellassie the Emperor, also the full moon. Already the Rasta Order of the Boboshanti is one of most traditional. I however ask to which the relation of the marihuana with these two traditions (Nyahbingui and Boboshanti) or then mainly the relation of the marihuana, bang, ganjah, hemp or hashish (also cited in the salmos of the bible with the denomination of Kálamo) with " Ethiopian Orthodox Church in London will be Rastafarians" , these are comments that still are in study, if somebody will be able to clarify will be grateful!
On the neuroquímica interference of the marihuana it is interesting to know that it has in natural way in our organism the receiving calls endocanabinóides, that they are structures that make the coupling of molecule THC (Tetrahidrocanabinol). It is known currently that the central nervous system produces similar substances to the THC, are canabinóides endogenous - anandamida (N-aracdonil-etanolamina), 2-aracdonilglicerol (2-GAC) and 2-aracdonilgliceril ether. These, together with the receivers canabinóides and the enzymes of synthesis and degradation, form the system endocanabinóide The anandamida one is known and studied, but 2-aracdonilglicerol is most abundant. They are synthecized from acid greasy of long chain, mainly the acid aracdônico. Canabinóides endogenous is secretados local, whereas the THC (main psychoactive of marijuana) reaches of a time alone all the CEl receivers of the brain. The action of canabinóides lasts some seconds and the THC remains hours in the central nervous system; finally, the anandamida one is about 4 the 20 times less powerful than the THC.

Anandamida ( do sânscrito: ananda - Hapyness )
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Pompeo M. B.