The element air is interesting of the point of view that all we breathe air the same, being thus atravéz is an element of which we join in them energy, and in them we become " uno" , we cannot be much time without breathing for much time, air is effectively essential, however it is extremely advisable, despite the breath can be considered an automatic attitude, to learn to control the breath. The first step is to control it in a natural way, the practical one of swimming in the long run provides an interesting capacity of control of the breath, the breaths goes of 2 for 1 up to 5 for 1, of somebody really trained that have great capacity to full the pulmões Certainly the pulmonary capacity of a swimmer are superior to the general average. In the Umbanda the activity of incorporation closely is related with the increase of the frequency of breath or hiperoxigenação what supposedly it increases the energização or magnetization. The traditions of the indian as Yoga possess diverse types of respiratory exercises (Pranayama): Breath Ujjayi, pránana Adhama (abdominal Breath), Prána kriyá (complete Breath), Kundalini Breath (Energizante). " nadis" they are the energy canals of the body that leads the prana.

" Bhastrika is the short and fast breath: it produces a deepening of the conscience, fortifies the will and it increases serenity. I ask myself if this would not be a similar effect of the states of settles and incorporation. What it would be exactly the opposite to the Buddhist techniques of Tsa Lung that exactly considers the retention of the breath, inducing not it energização but yes the entrance in modified states of conscience of meditating, contemplativo, static character and transcendente, not-physicist as the proposal of the Buddhism, not obstante I do not believe that this if wall lamp to the tântrico Buddhism since this considers the body as way the transcendência and uses the Kundalini energy. We can evidence that Tai-Chi-Chuan, Qi-Gong, Tao Yoga (Daoyin), Hagha-Yoga, raja-yoga as well as Lu-Jong, Lo-Jong, Tsa-Lung, kum Nye and Ba-Kua are equivalent to the activities that depend exclusively on an intense training of the prânica breath.
Swami Ramdev
Breath of fire breathing
Edgard Armond, espirita and maçon, say in its book " Passes and Irradiações": " The cosmic energy has many names, manifest of many forms, conquanto either always the same one, in deep essence and: akasa, for the Hindus, aôr, for the Hebrews, telesma, for the hermetistas, azoth, for the alchemists, ódica force of Reichembach, psychic force of Crookes, vital, prana, fluid fluid mesmérico, fluid universal" To see energy in:
" to inhale to air for the nose, pushing the diaphragm for low e looking for to also collect the womb so that, thus, air penetrates widely in the lung, in its superior lobes; to count up to five. Part of the absorption that if of the one in the perispiritual body, for the force centers. To hold back air in the pulmões, counting, in the same way, up to five. To slowly free air for the mouth, counting the same time and looking for to empty the pulmões completely. To hold back the empty pulmões during the same period of time and to recommence, as in the principle. In all the phases, to look for to increase, gradual, the time of the movements and pausas" One perceives that Edgard Armond recommends one similar technique to the one of the Buddhism, of the Tsa Lung (Bo of the Tamangs) and Praná Kriyá (Yoga) that they look the retention of the breath. Inverse of the incorporation of the Umbanda or in breath Kundaline the Fire that is frantic and fast.
In the Bible we find: Jó 32-8: In the truth, it has a spirit in the man, and the inspiration of makes it to the Almighty understood. Isaiah 30-28: E its breath as the transbordante ribeiro, that arrives until the o neck, to bolt the nations with destruction bolter, and a brake to make to make a mistake in the jaws of the peoples. Jó 9-18: It does not allow me to breathe, before satiated me of amarguras. Jó 10-20: Porventura are not few my days? It ceases, therefore, and it leaves me, so that for a little I take alento. Jó 39-20: Or you will frighten it, as to the grasshopper? Terrible it is the fogoso to breathe of its you blow. Gêneses 2-7: E formed Mr. Deus the man of the dust of the land, and blew in its nostrils the breath of the life; e the man was made living soul. Jó 27-3: That, while in me it will have alento, and the blow of God in my nostrils. Jó 34-14: If it put its heart against the man, and collected for itself its spirit and its breath. He is interesting to notice that the word " alento" at the same time that he indicates: hálito, bafo, breath and breath also indicates spirit or forces, since it is in the air that if finds the energy vital, as much is that God " it blew in its nostrils the breath of vida" , it is as soon as in Gêneses we find the relation between air and the beginning of the energy that hangs in the Universe. Not obstante it is essential to notice that to breathe it is to interchange energies with the universe, and that if air not only breathes as well as can breathe the feeling and other people's thought, in this in case that I am not speaking for metaphors, symbolisms or poetries but for the proper fact of that a feeling or thought hangs in air, and resprando we absorb it. It is as soon as is noticed in Jó 9-18: " You do not allow me to breathe, me before satiated of amarguras." , in this way to breathe means to change energies and to stop to breathe means a defense way, to stop the breath at definitive moments and circumstances day to day is a defense strategy in which you contribute for not the assimilation of the energies that hang in the environment, and that many times are directed intentionally directly you. However these, if already we saw that we can energize atravéz of movements and breath, with the opposing attitudes we can not-energize, that is: not " If abrir" , to stop the breath, to cross the arms, to rub the hair or same to place a tooth of raw garlic in the mouth are defense ways, the society however is demasiadamente unstable and even though the Buddhism that theoretically would be a religion more " zen" it possesss mantras specific for protection against the evil, the Umbanda possesss the Exus, that is the guardiões… at last, this is not the main subject that we are approaching, but I judged convenient to say that if we speak in breath and in its qualities it is necessary to approach which is the importance and meaning of the not-breath. It would be of sufficiently common-sense to agree that to stop the breath it is not a solution in itself, but before this a emergencial strategy, obviously better would be to decide pendenga in the way that was more pertinent, of it opposes the exit strategy or withdrawal also can decide, for a posterior more chemical preparation and prevented return. He is as soon as médiuns of degrees of high sensitivity make look like significantly peculiar types of behavior, as to leave an environment, or suddenly same sufficiently characteristic gestuais and physical behaviors.
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Pompeo M. B.