This musical instrument is truily impressive, of aborigenes Australian, a sufficiently serious sound continues with interferences that animals of the forests remember… have two interesting factors here: the 1) continuity of the sound brings to tona the same procedure that makes monges Buddhist when they recite its mantras, has moments as we will later see in another video where they arrive in one I continue of sound, thus inducing the mind to activate its magnetic qualities or electromagnetic, it is interesting to reflect in this question in which would be the interferences biochemists of the sound in us, the fact is that the distinct qualities of the sounds intervene in distinct ways with our emotional answers, neuro-chemistries and supposedly spirituals, the serious sounds stir up thoughts serious while the acute noise takes what he is funny, the comic one or until irritating. In another way the sounds that have a fluency continue lead to the been one of harmonization, while short sounds lead to the been one of activation of the attention of the reasoning and the logic, are as soon as can consider the classic múzica of mozart as a musical style that works the logical reasoning and musics with meditating character (That they are used of acrecidas serious notes of the sonorous continuity) as musics that they work the espiritualidade, creative part that it takes the mind entering in deeper states of mental waves, being able with some training the levarnos the other states of perception of the reality. Most impressive it is that we have a sufficiently great similarity in the church agencies, with many composed musics for Bach, the characteristics are practically the same ones.
Sutra do Lótus Sagrado respect to infinite forces
Sutra of the Sacred Lótus ( serious noise, has terrible moments if it is that thus it can be described a sonorous sensation come from a requirement of being perfect, the power of the high one is really something that makes an impression, as much the Didgeriddo as this sutra if they fit in the same sonorous parâmentos considering the same chemical answers in the brain, is known that each note possesss a specific frequency (as well as the colors) has access thus a determined frequency, the serious one, stirring up a standard respectively I specify of psychological and emotional position: respect, consideration, recognition of an unimaginable amplitude. The same serious note concept can be applied in the video to follow:
Heart Sutra Chanting Geshe kunkhen
Toccata & Fugue in d minor ( Bach, J. S. )
In the same category of sounds and serious notes we can apply this impressive instrument, that possesss a complexity level is of the common one, has impressive imponência, reverberation and authority in the sound of this composed musical instrument specifically to be one " voice of Deus" in the land, to only hear it makes to arrepiar… The fact is that we find in it elements you add beyond that we are studying, therefore as in the Didgeridoo or in the Heart Sutra de Geshe Kunkhen we find the element serious and aspects for moments of continuity of the sound, by the way exist a rule of the erudite piano that says that the acute notes must last less and the serious ones must have a bigger continuity, would not be this rule a reply to the one naturalness of the hearing human being, and the necessities neuro-chemistries of the brain? Then, the fact is that they órgam in it if adds plus an element musics, therefore it in this way allows that the sharps are also used, to the music of Bach perpassa for more rational moments with elaborated sonorous phrases more, as we have in the question-reply system, however when the serious ones if present have a species of only definition, it does not have yin neither yang has what the Chinese call So, the union of the two energies form a last truth only e, for this the reverberation is in fact of a superior, atemporal and not-space world simply the truth. In fact the agreement is undeniable of that the notes most serious mention the subjects to it most serious, and the acute to the distraidos subjects more, as if say that such person spoke in serious tone, looking for to demonstrate that the subject age of serious character, hardly will see the man to look for to arrive at the God, in a truily místico state transcendente using relaxed, easied, glad a mandolin or one cavaquinho that they emit too much acute notes that are more advisable for type of funny musics, or until satirists as very if sees, also notices in Cherokee Indians using tambores sufficiently plazas in circumference producing sounds of certain gravity, to Monges Tibetans using bugles.
And until is of the religion but inside of the espiritualidade and transcendência we can notice Modest Mussorgsk, Russian composer of life sufficiently conturbada composing serious stretches with moments that go of the infantile and magical singeleza of the sharps until the respectable ones and interiorizadores in its workmanship of great spread and recognition " Pictures at an Exibition" , as it will be seen it to follow in the interpretation of Kissin:
We go to observe the following video with attention " Tantra of Gyuto - Sacred Rituals of Tibet (1968) " , The continuity of the serious sound Is observed clearly, knows that each musical note, as well as each color, possesss a specific wave length. She is notable to perceive the quão serious are the notes reached for the voice human being, that they activate definitive to be able mental, is important to mensionar that beyond a sonorous activation monges in this tântrico sacred ritual executes definitive movements (extremely slow exactly better to activate and to feel the flows energy) with the hands with details of " mudras" executed for the fingers, the images always remember the death, can interpret the death while deep transformation spiritual, in 5:30 min. we have the instruments, " Long Tibetan Horn" A sufficiently long bugle of sufficiently serious noise, as well as didgeridoo Australian, and relaivamente wide tambores in circumference.
Anuttarayoga Tantra
...or Highest Yoga Tantra is the highest of four classes. The practice of Highest Yoga Tantra in the Vajrayana tradition of Tibetan Buddhism is characterized by the requirement of an empowerment from a qualified guru, usually a lama, use of ritual techniques, and the practice of various meditative and subtle body yogas, to effect personal transformation and attain enlightenment through the realization of the self as a Meditational Deity, or Yidam.Five collections of Highest Yoga Tantra became prominent in Tibet initially: Guhyasamaja or 'Esoteric Community', Yamantaka or 'Death Conqueror' (alternatively known as Vajrabhairava or 'Vajra Terrifier'), Hevajra or 'O, Vajra!', Mahamaya or 'Great Play of Illusion' and Chakrasamvara or 'Wheel of Great Bliss'. The Kalachakra or 'Wheel of Time' tantra, was disseminated slightly later. To date, the term 'Anuttarayoga Tantra' has not been discovered in Indian sources, wherein the categories used are Mahayoga, and Yogottara, Yoganiruttara, or Yogini-tantras for what the Tibetans consider "Father" and "Mother" Tantras. ( From Wiki )
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Pompeo M. B.